Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

Even across the world America still calls to me in the form of cravings for BBQ, old westerns, and the desire to sit on grass and watch fireworks. Crazily, I was just there and didn't enjoy any of those things.

On June 14th I took a much needed break from Israel and headed back to America for two weeks. It was a break form Israel, but not a vacation by any means. I got off the plane and went directly to Shira's apartment. Feeling not that tired I went on fun errands with her and got to finally eat at Alice's Tea Cup (very cute and tasty) and to try on my maid of honors dress (very simple and pretty, purple of course). I also finally got to give Shira and Mike their engagement presents (Japanese wedding cups, lavender) and to see Mike again. Asher came in and we four went out a few times.

The purpose of being in NY was to see Teachers College and get a feel for Columbia and the Morningside Heights area of NY. I have to say that I found the campus very beautiful, though mystifying despite being so small. The Morningside Heights neighborhood seems very manageable and surprisingly green and pretty, not at all the image on NY that frightens me. The people I met at TC were all down to earth, interesting and interested. It's impressive what a wide range of motivations and ideas each person has for the same degree. I met a few Israelis, including a pregnant woman who plans on naming her daughter Kinneret, a great omen if ever there was one. I also got the chance to hang out with Jenny, my best friend from London abroad who recently graduated from Barnard, and was able to see Avenue Q, a very funny puppet broadway musical.

I left NY to go home to Highland Park. There it was just my mom and me. We spent a great deal of time getting rid of my old clothing, packing things up in my room, and cooking delicious food. It was somewhat surreal to go home and see the FOR SALE sign on our yard. I will miss it so much, but especially I think my mom will.
We went for a weekend to Cleveland where my Daddio is living in an apartment since he started work there in June. Asher is also there, doing some crew stuff and getting to know the city. It's a somewhat crazy move from Chicago; there isn't much of a downtown area, nothing much in the suburbs except malls. I also got to see where we'll be building a house and walk through a few models. Pretty exciting, though it's hard for me to imagine how it will all end up. I'm trying to convince my mom to use Jerusalem stone and Armenian tile somewhere in the house...

Now I'm back in Jerusalem. It's too hot to move, to hot to wear jeans or skirts, it's a mess. But it's good to see my friends; when I got back I went to a fun party over at my old apartment building that Rachel and her boyfriend threw, galit and brian were there, and of course I have Josh. I went to Tel Aviv with Josh yesterday, saw Sara and Noemie there (former WUJSers) and met up with Brian who came from a great interview at the TA Hilton (here's hoping!)

I am still jobless, but I'm getting used to the idea. Perhaps I could even live this way...


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