Monday, May 22, 2006

When you step in not-so-figurative doodoo

I'm sorry to be sharing this, but it needs to be done.

This morning began as most any other morning. My alarm went off, I waited half an hour to make sure I'd be good and late and then got in the shower. I stole someone's soap. I got dressed than headed to Daniela's room and asked her to lend me her clothing. I changed. I had a little breakfast and walked out my door, smiling and waving to my roommates and our guest, Petr. Then it happened. I slid off our front door mat. This is not at all usual. It took a moment for me to realize that someone went to the bathroom on our front mat.
I screamed and headed back to the apartment, offended shoe off of course, and scrubbed my poor little sandal in the sink while everyone who hadn't slid into human waste had a good laugh. Now the immediate problem is what to do with the soiled mat, and the real issue, who will do it. Safely tucked away in the Seeds of Peace office, also the most victimized, I hope it is not me. There is also a question about the deliberateness of this attack; did someone mistake the mat for a toilet? was someone just very much in need of the bathroom and literally could not hold it? or is this the Russian mafia from Arad sending us a pretty clear message to stop our meddling in their sex and drug trafficking...
This also leads me to existential and philosophical questions. The main one being, is this post-Zionism? If this were still the socialist, kibbutz-oriented country, would people be using one anothers doormats this way? Is this what capitalism and progress bring to people, a sense of alienation and impotent anger? Or is it just The Matzav, the Situation? Has the Intifada reduced people from building walls and throwing stones to now voicing their ethnic hatreds through their tushies?

Where did we go wrong?


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